Option Two: The Purpose-full Teenager Program for Girls Only (School Holidays Marathon – Self-paced)


Duration: This is a 16 weeks program tailored to specifically Equip, Empower and Enable teenagers to focus on their individual purpose, strengths, gifts and talents. Each week will require 4 days (each with 3-hours shift) to cover the program.

It is best achieved as 1 month in holiday1, 1 month in holiday2, 1 month in holiday3 and 1 month in holiday4.

Structure: The teenagers complete 8 module course on Purpose, Gifts & Talents, Time Management and Accountability.

Output: At the end of the program, teenagers will have commenced, advanced or established their purpose (this is subject to a teenager’s willingness to put in the work needed).

Time: Three hours every Monday – Friday on school holidays.

Venue: Zoom


Bonus: Graduation preparation includes presentation skills and public speaking short courses with practicals. Teenagers will do presentation of themeselves and their talents to fellow graduands, parents and guests during the graduation.


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